Make your online payments here

CREDIT & DEBIT CARDS ARE ACCEPTED in person, by phone, or online.
Payment is due by Friday of each week.
If payment is not received by Friday, a $5.00 late fee will be added to your account.
There is a return check fee of $35.00
We provide flexible rates to accommodate every schedule. No long term commitment.
Parents who arrive after 6:30 PM will be charged a $25.00 late fee
Parents who arrive after 6:45 PM will be charged a $45.00 late fee
Charges & Miscellaneous
Invoices will be on the counter every Monday
Please put check payments in the marked box on the counter
Please give cash payments to our staff so that a receipt may be issued
We are a licensed child care facility and are subject to random, unannounced inspections at any time. All of our teachers are highly qualified, many with college backgrounds and/or extensive experience working in licensed child care facilities. We require extensive background checks on all employees. All staff are certified with CPR and First Aid Training.
We are mandated by law to report any suspected child abuses. The staff will continually monitor for signs of child abuse or neglect. Should it be suspected, we will notify Child Protective Services immediately.
Drop off
If your child will be dropped off late, you must let a staff member know you are here. For the safety and security of our children, please do not drop you child off outside and allow them to walk in alone.
Pick Up
Northstar Child Care does not allow anyone to pick up your child if they are not included on your authorized pick up list. In case of emergency, if you need someone we have not met to pick up your child, please send a note or call and give us that person’s name and description. Please advise that person that we will require identification in order to release the child to their care.
We appreciate your consideration in this matter.
When you pick up your child in the afternoon, staff members will always verify that your child is leaving with an authorized person before they are allowed to leave the facility. You must escort your child into and out of the building. Children may not go into the parking lot unattended.
If your child is playing outside at the time of pick up, you must come inside and greet them at the counter. They may not leave the play area directly into the parking lot. This is to ensure the security and safety of our children.
If a parent or guardian is going to be late picking up a child, that child will be cared for by staff. If the child is not picked up within a reasonable time, the designated emergency contact will be called. If no one can be contacted one hour after closing time, we will call the Child Protective Services Agency.
Health and Medications
No child will be permitted into the center if he/she appears to be ill. If a child becomes ill while at the center, he/she will be isolated from the other children (someone will be with them at all times) and the parents will be notified immediately. Please inform us of any health or developmental problems so we can better work with your child during these times.
No medications of any kind will be given to your child without your permission. All medications must be in its original container with your child’s name, time to be administered, dosage, and duration of medicine. Medicines will be returned to parents at the end of its duration. New permission forms must be completed and signed each week. Please give medicines to a staff member and not to your child to put in his/her cubby.
Please apply Sunscreen and Insect Repellent at home. Do not send sunscreen or insect repellent with your child. We will only apply these items with written permission in the form of our release forms.
Confidentiality Statement
Young children have not yet developed a sense of judgement about the difference between information that can be shared about their families or information that properly stays within the family. Very often young children are the source of much gossip and conversation about the private lives of our families. Teachers and caregivers unwittingly become the receivers of shared confidences from both children and their parents. It is critical that the children’s and parent’s confidences are not repeated to other teachers or to caregiver’s friends or families. We agree to respect the confidentiality of verbal and written reports of children, families, and teachers within our classrooms, the center, and in our non work environment.
Discipline Policy
We strongly believe in a reward/consequence system. Good behavior is rewarded with special treatment, as well as treats. Unacceptable behavior results in non-participation in certain activities.
We have incorporated a consequence system for behavior that is not acceptable at North Star.
You will receive a letter when your child has received their first warning.
You will be called and required to pick up your child after the second offense.
Children will be suspended after the third offense
Children will be expelled after the fourth offense
We feel that these consequences will result in a more safe, organized, and structured childcare setting
General Rules
No sharing – personal items; brushes, combs
No swearing, fighting, disrespecting peers
No leaving the group without a pass
For bathroom breaks on field trips, two may go at a time
Must respect and listen to all teachers
Children may not bring toys, tablets, handheld gaming systems
Please mark the child’s name on any item that must be brought
Children may bring a small amount of money for field trips. Please give the money to our staff when bringing the child in the morning. They will be given the money when we arrive at the field trip destination.
A parent has the right to enter the center at any time. Parental involvement is encouraged
In the event of an emergency, you will be contacted by phone immediately
If a child is found to have a communicable disease, we will notify all parents within 24 hours. If a child has a life threatening disease, parents will be notified immediately. Parents are required to notify us of a communicable disease within the household
We will provide semiannual scheduled opportunities for parents to provide feedback
We will require annual updates from the guardian of required information in your child’s record.
Your proof of identity will be destroyed and disposed of properly after your child leaves the facility
Make your online payments here